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Showing posts from February, 2015

What is Minoxidil?

Minoxidil is a lotion that is rubbed on the scalp daily. It is available without a prescription. The medication contains either 2% to 5% minoxidil. It is believed the stronger version is more effective. However, the stronger version also includes side effects, such as itchiness or dryness in the area it is applied. Minoxidil also shows results only on using it for several months. The balding process resumes on stopping the minoxidil treatment. How to Use Minoxidil is an application lotion to be rubbed on the scalp. It widens the hair follicle by causing thick strands of hair. In this way, it prolongs resulting in higher and longer number of hair strands.  Though, the physiological basis is not known exactly, it has shown evidence to be effective and safe on using properly. There is hair density increase of 10% to 12%. Remember to follow exact dosing as per the instructions. Wash your scalp using mild shampoo, before use so that your scalp and hair is dry prior to applying th...

Mintop forte 5% user review

Today i am going to share an user review about an amazing product available in India for hair regrowth.Most of the doctor's suggesting this product nowadays.You might came to know about this product if any of your friends have hair thinning & hair loss problem.I asked opinion to one of my friend who is already using this product for  last 5 months.I just sharing the important point's which i got from him. Mintop Forte 5% Mintop forte 5% review: Mintop forte is an amazing product for most of the people.After 3 month of use i can notice the difference.It not only stopped my hair fall,it also helps for new hair regrowth. Like you i also did many research before applying this into my scalp and finally i bought it. Why i bought ? Minoxidil is clinically proven to help re-grow hair Revitalizes hair follicles New, easy-to-use applicator Beware of all the fake review and ads for other hair products. Minoxidil is the only stuff that has been proven ...

Hair loss treatment for men

            Thinning hair is embarrassing and not every man wishes to shave complete hair and sport a bald look. A bald look is not wrong, but can always know if there are options to grow your hair back. Medications are available ensuring re-growth of your hair, but may include risk of side effects. Going for a natural treatment is much safer and affordable option. Baldness in men is partial or complete. The pattern of hair loss is not specific; some go bald in 15 to 20 years, while some in just 5 years. Common Reasons  Hair comprises of hair follicles under the skin's surface that the hair grows. They keep shedding and reappearing as a regular process. This hair growth, shedding, and new growth process continues throughout the life. The changes in male hormones, testosterone are one of the main causes. This is also associated with other medical conditions such as prostate enlargement, coronary heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity and diabe...